Join Us!

Membership is open to all residents of East Greenwich, Rhode Island, and to residents of the nearby Cowesett neighborhood of Warwick, Rhode Island. (We define Cowesett as the area bounded by Division Street on the south, Cowesett Road on the north, Interstate 95 on the west, and Narragansett Bay on the east.)

We are a social club that exists to foster a sense of community and build social ties among residents of East Greenwich and Cowesett. We, therefore, ask that members follow our non-solicitation policy, refraining from using the club to promote their business or services.

Our annual membership renewal date is September 1. New members joining the club between September 1 and January 31 will be charged the full yearly dues. Those joining between February 1 and August 31 will pay a prorated portion of the yearly dues.

    Regular Member$35.00 (USD), prorated to $20.42 (USD) Subscription period: 1 year, on: September 1st No automatically recurring payments

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